There are a couple of companies out there taking wings, putting some legs on them, calling them a table and charging an obscene amount of money for them. Since we were interested in having a conference table made out of a wing for our new facility and a customer was interested in one for his new hangar we decided to get into the furniture business, sort of. So, in between wing sets, tail feathers and waiting for glue to dry, the guys are making some wing tables that will knock your socks off.
Dan and Steve our resident wood workers, a title that does not begin to address their talent, are quite creative and gifted. These guys can make anything happen when it comes to working with wood, they are true artisans. This same craftsmanship goes into every wing, stringer cage and other wood parts on our re manufactured to new standards restorations. No production type wood work in our as good as new airplanes. I've included a couple of photos of their handy work. Enjoy!