Oshkosh 2010 was good, very good. We had three airplanes in the Antique-Classic area, all WACOs. EGC-8 N2279, UPF-7 N32133 and ZPF-7 N173E. We had our Top Cub and Carbon Cub present and, gained another UPF-7 during the week. A total of six airplanes at the show made for some work to and from but, it was worth it. We divided our time between Cub Crafters and the WACOs during the week and spent the evenings doing demo flights in the Carbon Cub. Talk about long days at the show! We attended the Waco dinner Thursday and had a great time catching up with several friends. On Saturday we had the unique opportunity to fly in the Goodyear Blimp. What a great ride and impressive flight department. Goodyear holds; the Type Certificate to the Blimp, a certified repair station certificate and has a complete flight department centered around the Blimps that run like an well oiled machine. The hour flight was one to remember and quite an education. It was like riding in a ship at sea. The week ended with many new friends, great face time with old friends and the awards ceremony. We spotted what we believed to be the Grand Champ the second it arrived, Engelskirgers UPF-7 what a beautiful restoration. They indeed took the honors of Grand Champion home that was much deserved. We really enjoyed looking at it. We were fortunate enough to bring some hardware home too! All three WACOs brought home trophies; N2279 Outstanding Closed Cokpit Biplane, N32133 Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane, N173E Bronze Age Champion Bronze Lindy. We're proud to have earned these awards. Without the owners' vision for these airplanes we would not be here, thank you Mac, John & Lou. Coming soon; F-series comparison Staggerwing progress and ZQC-6 update.